Hello how is your week going?
I am busy preparing for Open Studios next week during the St Ives September Festival.
Yesterday I was lucky enough to be able to take part in the Precious collective online quiz as part of Radiant pavilion in Melbourne Australia.
you can rewatch it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgE3irD0zRk
& learn more about the 22 participants who made work for the brief
'Precious things in times of uncertainty'
Ironically & with a lot of sadness, as the council/ allotment association are trying to throw us off our allotment here in St Ives, my response is based on nature, seeds & gardening!!
Fingers crossed they have responded to let us stay longer. Who knows?? We can only put out goodness into the world & see what happens. I just hope we can keep it if only for the ground nesting bees & all the other abundance of nature that we have nurtured there.
A huge thank you goes out to Lynne, Juan & Hannah for all the hard work behind the scene in getting the exhibition together. And to all the felow exhibitors.
I am honoured to be exhibiting with you xoxoxox